Meet The Founder

Hello! How are you? Being from the South  these 3 simple words are what I was taught to say when growing up and when addressing others! In my family and community, these 3... simple.... words.... show respect. So again, Hello! How are you? :) I am Shenika Davis! I am a lover of God, a wife, a mother, a music therapist and music educator! I received my Masters in Music Education from Florida State University and a Masters in Music Therapy from Georgia College and State University. It has been a long journey to get to this point with many derailments along the way; but they have made me a stronger person! 

Healing Melodies MTME has been a dream since 2015. Now, that it is a reality, I get the privilege and honor to do what I love doing most with my children, with our community, with our city, state, nation and the world and that is to share MUSIC!!!  Wow!!!! 

Thanks so much for allowing me the opportunity to share a little about my journey with you concerning my dream....Healing Melodies Music Therapy and Music Education International! Aka the HMMTME Experience! 


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